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Signal Static – Under the Skin

Signal Static’s “Under The Skin” is a powerfully impactful and gritty hard rock anthem that delivers a message of empowerment and solidarity. With a rivetingly thunderous progression of drums and growling bass, the song lets its intentions clear from the start.

Thematically, “Under The Skin” brings out and seeks to tell the stories of individuals in the Trans and Non-Binary communities, as well as anyone who strives to own their identity in a world where they’re not allowed to express their inner most selves. The lyrics reflect the struggles and triumphs of those who face adversity and discrimination, offering a voice of strength and resilience.

The vocals in the track carry a sense of anger, but it’s an anger that stems from a place of impassioned expression for the inherent right to be oneself. That rawness in the emotion and crisp authenticity shine through, capturing a sense of personal liberation and the freedom that comes from embracing our inner most selves.

It’s cathartic, unapologetic, and freeing all at once.

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