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The Patti Spadaro Band – Glass Shatters

The Patti Spadaro Band’s latest single, “Glass Shatters,” is a powerful rallying cry intended to unite women from all walks of life and celebrate their progress. As Spadaro eloquently puts it, “If we keep rising up, never giving up, progress will continue.” The track features the harmonious blending of five women’s voices, creating a rich, textured sound that emphasizes unity and strength.

A standout aspect of the song is Spadaro’s scintillating lead guitar performance, which cuts through the mix with crisp clarity. Her soulful rock style imbues the track with a sense of togetherness and spirit that few can muster. “Glass Shatters” is a powerful track; it’s an anthem of resilience and solidarity, showcasing Spadaro’s ability to blend powerful messages with captivating musicality.

A joyful, rousing, and enthusiastic rock and roll track that’s a flooring and spirited anthem driven by a guitar that slices through.

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