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9 o’clock Nasty – Mickey Humpper, A Pocket Opera

“Mickey Humpper” sees 9 o’clock Nasty in their ecstatic best, a garage rock opera that’s delivered with the group’s signature swagger and suave. In the quest for absurdity and oddity, they’ve made a track about objectophilia about their dog’s toy. It’s a rivetingly raucous performance by the group in their best most random topical impression. This is their version of a love story, albeit a terribly unrequited one that might veer for some into the realm of something questionable or unconscionable even. Yet, somehow, there’s still barrels of fun to be had as always with 9 o’clock Nasty. The vocal mixing here is perhaps the most classic garage sounding style they’ve got going so far.

It’s got a punch and drive that’s delightfully their own, a choir of cheers and raging raucousness that you jump to the beat to. “Hey Mickey” they chant with such a verve and energy that you start to head bang alongside them. Defiant, themselves, and eccentric as always, this is a freshness and power that’s decisively their own.

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