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“SOMEWHERE IN TIME” by UNITY is a mesmerizing sonic voyage that seamlessly merges diverse elements from the world of electronic music. It starts downright robotic, a dystopian and disturbing soundscape that envelopes and grabs you in this cascading environment that beguiles and entwines you. Combining this beautifully harmonic falsetto that echoes the chorus line with an almost spoken word narrative exposition, it’s mesmerisingly enveloping. The track’s genius lies in its ability to blend syncopated pan drum sounds with intricate trap drum patterns, ethereal vocals, and mind-bending basslines.

The result is a cosmic journey that transcends conventional notions of time and reality. As you listen, you’re transported deep into a sonic wormhole where time warps, and your consciousness expands to encompass new dimensions of perception. The track’s complex sound effects and glitchy textures add to the sense of otherworldly exploration.

“SOMEWHERE IN TIME” showcases UNITY’s wildly explorative and innovative approach to electronic music, pushing boundaries and challenging the listener to let go of preconceived notions about musical genres.

A thoroughly magical ride that’s experiential at a fundamental level.

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