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SKiPPER! – Vintage | Breathe In

‘Vintage’ is a masterpiece in modern indie pop. The NYC based music duo complement each others style like lock and key, combining acoustic elements akin to folk with boisterous and energetic injections of electronic pop to give their music an energy and emotion that entirely enraptures you. You feel liberated, an urge to run outside and bask in the glory of all the life around you, to absorb every moment, to create memories that live long, and to wholeheartedly embrace everyone who means something to you.

It’s such an innately positive track, just replete with energy that makes you feel overjoyed. The kind of pop music that comes ever so often, just capturing your imagination and making you entirely transfixed throughout. Personally, one of the most magically composed and arranged pieces of indie pop that I’ve come across all year. The subtle humming, the bops all around, and the incredibly moving chorus all make for a colourful and lavish piece of palatial pop that I’ll be buzzing along to for a while to come.

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