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Throwing me back to the music I grew up on less than ten seconds into listening to it, SLOW DOWN SONIC’s latest single ‘For You’ is just going to drape you in nostalgia and more. The whiney twang to the acoustic and that distinctively emotive and overly angsty vocal performance reminiscent of emo rock from its heyday is all over the tune. But there’s also a more careful approach, a concerted subtle acoustic build up that starts to quickly pick up pace through a drum section that gives the entire track its weight and power.

When the beat drops around the two minute mark and the electric solo starts to flare down, you know you’re in for an absolute banger of a rock tune. Undoubtedly one of the best, most exciting, energetic, and addictive pieces of alternative rock I’ve had the pleasure to come across.

Check my playlists here!

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