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Karen Harding – Letter To My Friend

The final single from her upcoming EP, Karen Harding’s ‘Letter To My Friend’ might just be the most poignant, heartfelt, and soothing of the entire bunch. There’s a subtlety to the guitar performance, a kind of reserved and picturesque beauty that comes out resplendently with Harding’s voice simply guiding you through. It’s so effortlessly elegant, bringing out Harding’s ethereal vocals alongside a much more heart-wrenching central theme. But, at its core, the song feels like a helping hand in your lowest moment, a plea to remember that things will get better even when they seem insufferably bad.

Letter To My Friend is a beacon of encouragement that you can persevere, that your strength knows no bounds even if your mind might not immediately see it. It’s bound to have you thinking of better days tomorrow when today is as gloomy as it gets.

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