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ralphy – Wanted Sam J Garfield Remix

“WANTED (Sam J Garfield Remix)” by Ralphy is a stupendously energetic and pulsating track that is bound to have you absolutely captivated and enthralled. With its commanding opening and driving beat, the song quickly grabs hold and doesn’t let go until the very end.

The typical verse-chorus-verse structure is eschewed in favour of a more entrancing electronic approach, with looping vocals adding both harmonic and rhythmic elements to the overarching arrangement. The resulting sound is both mechanical and organic, crafting a lush array of synths and effects rising and falling atop a pounding beat to allure you into its mystique.

While taking inspiration from disco with its up-tempo, dance-friendly style, the track also showcases the artists’ love for experimentation and genre-bending. Amid the high-energy arrangement, listeners can hear the liquid cascade of raindrops and the crisp footsteps of high-heeled boots echoing the heavy drum pattern.

It is an absolute mayhem piece for the night time rave, perfectly capturing and commanding you in its mental and frenzied energy that finds a tempo and rhythm to hypnotise you.

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