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Justin Mattock – Seventeen

Justin Mattock’s cheery and relatable pop rock anthem on ‘Seventeen’ is an easy listen for nostalgic times. It grips you and has you reeling back in your memory box, remembering and reminiscing about moments enjoyed yet now lost. The memories of seventeen had me thinking back to nights turning into mornings with high school friends, the indescribable high of just enjoying the completely mundane with those that are most dear to you. It’s just a joyful piece that’s difficult to not find yourself singing along to and coming completely awash with nostalgia and wistfulness. In a way, there’s a bittersweet connotation attached to the song’s message that’s hard to escape. But, when those memories have you feeling better rather than worse, it’s always a joy to find yourself in the throes of nostalgia.

As long as the memories keep coming through, the nostalgia is never a bad feeling.

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