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Waverly Drive – The New Age

Waverly Drive’s “The New Age” is a refreshing and catchy track that fuses influences from rock, pop, and new wave to create an infectious, driving sound. Inherently bringing this lusciousness, this warmth, and this sincerity, Waverly Drive grabs your attention with a charm. Phil Galloni’s solo project thrives on these arrangements that just exude a purity in their emotion.

With lyrics that touch on the state of society and politics in the new age, the song highlights the feeling that although we may be more connected than ever, we’re not necessarily making any real changes. The upbeat and driving tempo, combined with the project’s signature guitar hooks and strong vocals, make for an affable piece that’s perfect for a summer road trip along the coast. It’s a track that’ll have you tapping your foot and singing along in no time.

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