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Hungry – The Jig

Hungry’s “The Jig” is an electrifying display of unfiltered punk rock energy that catapults them into the ranks of the most exciting bands emerging from Manchester. The Jig has a rawness to it, an incisive piercing tonality that sets Hungry out from the get go as a punk rock outfit that commands the stage with a presence that few can match.

From the moment the first chord hits, “The Jig” grabs your attention and refuses to let go. Hungry channels a frenzied passion that is palpable in every note, every riff, and every raucous belter of a vocal performance. It’s urgent, driving, and unrelenting in its emotion, a demanding tonality that has you thrown back but also so clearly intrigued.

The razor-sharp riffs slice through the air, leaving a trail of high-energy chaos in their wake. Hungry feel like they’re bringing back a movement, an emotion, a style of powering and towering rock and roll that’s unfiltered in being as punk as it can be.

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