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Alas de Liona – Spirals

Alas de Liona has a voice that’s simply enchanting. There’s really no better way to put it. There’s a warmth to it, a beauty, a poignance that just makes listening to ‘Spirals’ feel like the most serene of experiences. Her entire sonic structure and emotional core is draped in this dreamlike quality, a certain atmospheric quality that leaves you feeling floating with your head in the clouds. It’s incredibly supple and restrained, yet its in that slightly pained tone to her voice, this almost held back expression she delivers that you find yourself most captivated and intrigued to delve even deeper into the emotion of it all.

Although hailing from a small time in the Mojave Desert, Alas de Liona trades time in Scotland for her University and plans to return to the country in the coming year. Now, more committed to pursue her career in music after completing her academic obligations, Alas de Liona is sure to take the world by storm with her unique dreamlike indie pop soundscapes and enchantingly mesmerising vocal harmonies.

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