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Anthony Byrne – Exhale

‘Exhale’ doesn’t feel like a song written by a human, it almost feels like something conjured by artificial intelligence. The robotic and metallic performance coupled with a tense and unsettling electronic beat on the backdrop leaves you slightly perplexed but more often intrigued and curious. The more you start to listen and experience Exhale, the deeper the meaning starts to reveal itself to you.  It is a song about struggling with depression, anxiety and the guilt/shame of feeling like you are the one standing in your own way. The song is able to chronicle and journey out those thoughts when you’re in a downward spiral, almost losing sense of your humanity itself.

Through both the sensitive and poignant movement of the lyrics, not just in content but in delivery, Exhale is able to convey so much with such a minimal arrangement. An experiential electronic tune that’s bound to uncover more than what you might expect.

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