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Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends – Dirty Dick Dies

“Dirty Dick Dies” by Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends is a gripping narrative musical tale that takes you down the journey of the final moments of a ruthless man. The song weaves together an arresting narrative that explores the complex relationship between the protagonist and a higher power, as he faces the inevitability of his own demise.

The lyrics are immediately intriguing and thought-provoking, taking you through the character attempts to strike a deal with a divine entity in his final moments. He recalls his past acts of kindness and offers to make amends in exchange for assistance in his time of need.

Musically, “Dirty Dick Dies” offers a slow-building groove that combines elements of jazz and folk, creating a unique and engaging sonic space. It constantly oscillates, creating the requisite ebbs and flows as and when it hits the right notes in the narrative.

A gripping tale.

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