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Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends – My Favourite Song

Arn-Identified Flying Objects and Alien Friends take us on a nostalgic journey with “My Favourite Song.” With a concerted aim to capture the sound and feel of the mid-seventies, they’re able to evoke an emotion trapped in a moment of time through the soundscape that just exudes a joyousness.

“My Favourite Song” offer a poignant reflection on the ups and downs of life, its many questions that spin round and round in our head as we carry on with that load. While acknowledging that life can sometimes be challenging, the song reminds us that there’s bundles of beauty found in simple moments. The mention of a favorite song playing on the radio, the scent of roses in the summer, or the comfort of a cup of coffee evokes a warmth and love for the little things that help us endure the seemingly unendurable.

It’s heartfelt, emotive, and evocative throughout. Writing this as I find so much wrong and insufferable around me, it’s a timely reminder that tiny things help get us along the road.

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