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Ashley Pluckett – Anchor

Ashley Puckett’s latest single, “Anchor,” is a poignant and powerful testament to the strength and support found in love, even through the most challenging times. Co-written with Andrew Douglas and Nathan Beatty, the same talented team behind her Top 80 Music Row charting single “Tequila,” “Anchor” showcases Ashley’s soulful vocals and moving delivery, promising to resonate deeply with listeners.

The song delves into the ache of a love going through turmoil, capturing an emotional struggle with raw honesty and heartfelt expression. Puckett’s powerful vocal performance imbues “Anchor” with a depth and character that anchors the listener, providing a sense of stability and connection amid the stormy seas of life.

There’s gravitas to her voice, but also a niceness and sympathy that allows her to be simultaneously powerful and touching at once.

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