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Portsmouth’s Baby Said, comprising teenage sisters Veronica and Jess Pal, bursts onto the scene with their debut EP, “Who Gives A Rock.” Clocking in at just nine minutes, this explosive release channels the spirited essence of pop rock with influences from Paramore, Olivia Rodrigo, and their namesake, Måneskin. The EP kicks off with the haunting “Panic Attack,” where grungy bass lines and ghostly effects set the stage for a dramatic portrayal of anxiety’s tumultuous ride. The sisters’ audibly gasped pre-chorus enhances the song’s visceral impact, capturing the essence of a panic attack with palpable intensity.

Following suit, “Mouth Shut” delivers peppy rhythms and infectious melodies in a compact, high-energy package, solidifying its status as a standout track. The journey continues with “You Killed It,” crafted during a transformative session in Wales with producer Gethin Pearson. This alt-rock gem unfolds with menacing laughter and showcases Baby Said’s prowess as emerging musicians and storytellers, echoing their growth and creative bravery.

Closing the EP, “Fight” unleashes a gritty, garage-inspired riff reminiscent of Arctic Monkeys, complemented by defiant lyrics that encapsulate their journey from buskers to stage owners. With lyrics like “we’re just gonna roll our eyes” and “we don’t run from a fight,” Baby Said defiantly asserts their presence in the music scene, backed by their bandmates Holly Knowles and Maddie Hackett.

“Who Gives A Rock” not only showcases Baby Said’s musical prowess but also embodies their resilience and determination to carve out their own space. With each track brimming with youthful energy and raw emotion, this EP establishes Baby Said as a force to be reckoned with in the pop rock landscape.

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