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Bares – Fruit | Summer

A song about feeling change, about weather, and about space, ‘Fruit’ might be simple and mundane in theme but its loaded with so much soul that you’re enraptured throughout. It’s subtle to a fault, a mellow and meandering piece that ebbs and flows without ever veering too strong in a direction. You’re left floating, with your head in the clouds completely mesmerized by the air and space around you. To those in the northern hemisphere it may seem a bit at odds, but ‘Fruit’ is a summer song. Released on the first day of summer in the southern hemisphere, it highlights the panic and gratitude towards summer in Australia. ‘Summer in Australia is complicated, it’s dangerous, it’s judgemental‘.

Bares remembers her earlier summers with fondness, an uncomplicated and merry time that consisted of holidays, beach trips, and Christmas. Today however, it’s not so simple with charred landscape all around and scorching heat to match.

But Fruit remains a song for me that gets me in the perfect state of mind, with such a pleasing vocal performance that glides over an equally aesthetically charming melody. It might be a cold winter here, but I’m dreaming for a fruitful summer.

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