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Carley Varley – I’m not angry anymore

Carley Valey’s “I’m not angry anymore” is a rollercoaster emotional release that tells a universally relatable story of finding closure and letting go of past frustrations within a relationship. The song seamlessly blends pop melodies with alternative instrumentation, creating a unique sound that gives it a mixture of electronic and restrain. The acoustic beginning of the song sets a melancholic and reflective tone, while the climax hits an emotional peak with an explosion of sound, showcasing Carley’s impressive vocal range and passion. With heartfelt lyrics and a catchy melody, “I’m not angry anymore” is a cathartic anthem for anyone who has gone through the difficult process of moving on from a relationship.

Right before the first minute comes to a wrap, you see the rise in the song’s arrangement. It moves from a seemingly restrained piece to something searching, searching and yearning for some sort of closure and catharsis in the midst of the loss and pain of closure. Finally, that moment of clarity, of understanding that everything is fine, hits you and you’re left entirely at rest.

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