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Cassa Jackson – I Don’t Like When You Talk About Her | Powerhouse

Cassa Jackson’s latest EP is a defiant and powerful piece of commercial pop that hits all the right numbers. From Jackson’s vocals to the up tempo and luscious production, it fits the bill with ease. The lyricism is catchy from the get go, with instantly relatable and performatively evocative renditions sung by Jackson. Her voice is an immediate highlight, powerful and immense with a verve and control that any singer would envy. It’s far from complicated conceptually, with most songs delving soulful and poppy anthems on jealousy, insecurity, possessiveness, and heartbreak. But it’s in that authenticity that Jackson is able to hit all the right cylinders with such style and wonder.

Her talents haven’t gone unnoticed either. Jackson is set to play her album live in 28 arenas across the UK during her support of JLS’ long-awaited comeback tour. That’s right, the JLS, the iconic British boyband who are at this point popular music royalty. With her previous work easily crossing several million streams, it’s clear that Jackson is en route to be the UK’s next big thing in popular music.

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