A sonic exploration into worlds that feel unseen, unexplored, and unimaginable, Hu11’s odyssey on Gosub Coda is a revelation that...
Porchlight open “Noel” with a progression that has you transfixed, a brooding intensity that builds and builds until it suddenly...
On “Purge and Flourish”, Dave Belding takes you down a progressive industrial rock journey that’s downright haunting throughout. The ominous...
Harrowing at times, but more so deeply intriguing and evocative, LAUTMALR’s imaginative expedition on “In Between the Noise” is a...
Toe-tapping and constantly keeping you on the edge of your feet, “I Prefer” showcases the wildly imaginative and creative spark...
“Spooky” is unlike anything you’ve heard. The genre-defyingly eclectic piece from Ari Joshua and the larger collective brims with life...
With a brooding tension that’s progressive and foreboding, Mono Sources make “Perfect Silence” come to explosive life with a sonic...
JSDavani’s album “Imaginary Vowels” invites you on a sonic expedition filled with exploration, intrigue, minimalism, and magnitude. From the very...
“fragments” feels like a record distinct and in and of itself. The powerful experimental tour de force from virgin orchestra...
When you take the titles of Tyler Kamen’s albums in isolation, it feels like the NY based multi-dimensional rockstar has...
Clare Easdown’s latest release is an experimental exploration and plea for help in the age of climate change. The refrain,...
Dark, brooding, and ominous throughout, LearningToDive’s arrangement on “Drums of War” paints a picture with pinpoint narrative descriptiveness. While there...