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CDM – it’s been a while

The return of up and coming indie artist CDM, the moniker adopted by 18 year old Artist/Producer Connor Dickson from Edinburgh, is an immediate addition to any lo-fi playlist. Rife with that pitch perfect soothing rough around the edges beats that evoke these feelings of night time and darkness, ‘it’s been a while’ had me gazing into the night sky of a bustling city and feeling, just for a second, that all the noise was drowned out. It’s melancholic but somehow nostalgic and heart-warming at the same time. That slight pitter patter, echoing the rains, Connor’s own voice shining through makes the record’s opening piece, ‘midnight.’ one of the most inherently captivating openers despite its exceptional subtlety and reserved nature.

On ‘another beat i made’, a similar melody and production style is echoed from ‘midnight.’ Yet hear, there’s a light in the darkness, a kind of hopeful radiance that still manages to find its way to your heart as you play through. That’s what I find so endearing about lo-fi music. There’s never too much complexity on the outside, but just the emotional strength of each beat amazes me in how deeply vulnerable it can make you feel. It conveys whole moods and expressions within itself. As he closes it out with ‘cigarettes and youth’, you can almost easily see your own teenage years pass before you along with all the stupidity and wonderful memories it brought along with.

Check my playlists here!

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