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Cloud Vincent – BEST TIME

Cloud Vincent has you feeling absolutely delightful on “BEST TIME”. The groovy and funky piece from this multi-dimensional London based pop artist really breaks the barriers and pushes itself into a wholly new style. There’s a real eagerness to experiment with the soundscape here, with Vincent crafting something that feels industrial and heavy while also being so fluid and atmospheric at the same time. It feels weightless and all encompassing at once. While there’s something so starkly different and unique in that arrangement, you still find yourself so drawn to the absolutely infectious and addictive chorus that somehow sounds different each time as the arrangement progressively evolves.

It’s immensely fun, incorporating a multi-instrumental approach alongside these sumptuously soothing synth elements. Definitely though, it’s the guitar work that steals the show and has you most transfixed. An ever so engaging and intriguing piece of contemporary pop that’s bound to make you bop along with it.

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