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CodE E1 – Year Of The Bat Cat

Code E1 is an amalgamation of two styles, of two distinct sonic identities brought under a unified roof. The combined talents of Nick Cody in collaboration with remixer Black Star Liner make for a record that brings together an old school and nostalgic style of rock music with a contemporary and produced sheen and texture that’s an interesting interplay. With songs like “Gather Round” that last well over seven minutes and keep you entirely engrossed throughout, Code E1 has a penchant for production progression that’s thoroughly invigorating. There’s something elevating about the track, a kind of relentless pulse that keeps driving forward with such fervour yet anchored by a calming and reassuring refrain “gather round people”.

The electrifying instrumentals on a song like “Next Up” coupled with the swagger and groove of the vocals is another purposeful movement that’s hard not to be enthralled by. There’s such diversity within the compositions across this album, a sure-fire whirlwind of styles that combine into so many different expressions and soundscapes that thrive on their diversity and sonic imagination.

Immensely invigorating.

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