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Dave Belding – Little Dancer

Opening with an almost background score from a horror scene, Dave Belding’s ominously brooding and Victorian sounding alternative rock odyssey on ‘Little Dancer’ is a true experience to undertake. There’s such a clear and rising tension that this talented American multi-faceted artist has managed to compose. Powering through with one of those gritty post-grunge vocal performances, the lengthy piece is a true progressive rock epic merged into an alternative sounding act. The way the riff keeps pitter pattering along makes you sit constantly on the edge of your seat, wondering how this tune is going to build and where it’s going to go.

An absolutely electric and riveting experience, ‘Little Dancer’ is a sizzler of an alternative rock tune that finds its success and uniqueness from the sheer scope of its arrangement. Constantly shifting and permeating across its six and a half minute runtime, it never fails to keep you glued wondering what’s coming next.

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