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David Curington – Assured Listening Experience

Absurdist, surrealist, and altogether dystopian, David Curington takes you down an auditory experience for the ages on “Assured Listening Experience”. Less of a song than it is an experimental journey, Assured Listening Experience is a symphony and an ambient track interwoven with intercuts of spoken clips that are lifted from a myriad of disparate samples from various sources that are indistinguishable. I can’t quite discern what the higher meaning or purpose Curington is trying to convey through this track, and I also feel there’s no real purpose to trying to ascertain that on your own either.

It’s a mysterious, almost scary adventure the deeper it goes. I first heard it post midnight with no lights on and simply hearing the unsettling nature of the track, an almost horror-core experience that constantly leaves you on edge like some sort of paranormal activity soundscape.

What’s undeniable is that “Assured Listening Experience” is existentially intriguing, it claws your attention and has you trying to ascertain and understand what the future of auditory experimentation could be. A surrealist fantasy for audiophiles.

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