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Del’Noire – The Haunting of Del’Noire | A Narrative Bereft of Words

A graceful and poignant three song EP that paints a picture without needing an accompanying description, Del’Noire’s poised electronic dominant instrumental EP “The Haunting of Del’Noire” is a sensationally composed and intriguingly intricate piece of storytelling that’s constantly unraveling with more and more to discover. Comprised of a traditional instrumental base layered together with modern drums and an electric drive, the little bits of the drums, keys, and strings all flow and intersperse together to bring to life a kaleidoscope of sound that’s bright and resplendent. The undulating pitter patter drive of The Raven Stone gives way to a more fragrant and placating key driven piece on “A Strange, Bitter Kiss”.

Back to front, across its roughly 15 minute runtime, Del’Noire discovers and delivers increasingly fresh and intriguing pieces that allow you to imagine and introspect new depths within your own psyche.

A truly picturesque piece of electronic imagination with a traditionalist touch.

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