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Domax – Bolle

Entirely recorded in a single session over night, Bolle is an absolute sizzler of a piece that’s absolutely electrifying from back to front. The ten minute long jam session, entirely pieced together by Monopoly Synth and live drums opens with this sort of frenzied and pulsating flow that relentlessly and endlessly seems to flow down onto you. Soon, as an element of breakage starts to give way, the track explodes into something much heavier, a powerful and crashing high energy cascade of electronic instrumental elements that has you entirely warped into another dimension altogether.

For anyone with even a fleeting interest in pieces like this, which tread the line between being a single track and a whole live experience, there’s something so inherently captivating in the way Domax has structured and flows Bolle into being. It’s a raucous and riveting experience that completely floods you and transports you into a trance that’s hard to get out of.

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