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Dylan Tauber – I Am Alive

Dylan Tauber is a storied artist. Having traversed a multitude of sounds, pioneered even, he’s a powerful force in his realm of electronic music. The multi-award winning and visionary electronic musician, cyber artist, photographer, and author has been at it for two and a half decades at this point. With over 16 albums released to his name, he’s a producer that knows his sound, and knows the sound of transcendental electronica to a tee and then some.

On “I Am Alive”, Dylan Tauber pushes forth an experiential electronic journey that’s elevating, rousing, stirring, and entirely uplifting. Each of these synth drive pieces feel innately larger than life, like something monumental, something opulent, something grandiose and luxurious at a scale almost not worthy of the ground. There’s a celestial quality to this record, perhaps first exemplified and really felt with on “Spirit Guides” as a magical vocal performance helps the electronic work ascend to even higher hights. But other pieces like the titular track, “I Am Alive”, are almost hypnotic and transcendental. That ability to switch and fluctuate between something larger than life and something minimalist and more restrained really works for Tauber on this record, constantly innovating and offering more.

What I find most powerful and perhaps gripping about Tauber’s work is his ability to switch and sort of put you in this transcendental state. It makes you think even when the lyrics don’t necessarily speak to anything notably hypnotic or spiritual. It combines the technological, spiritual, and the celestial.

From the magical experience that I had listening to Tauber’s work on “The Lagoon”, he’s only gone and created something a bit more brighter, more resplendent, and more vibrant on “I Am Alive”. It really feels like those main titular lines impact you, having you yourself believe in your own sentience, your own journey, and the ability to write your own path.

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