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Etienne Siew – Chasing Dreams

Etienne Siew’s latest single, “Chasing Dreams,” is a vibrant, jovial, and energising folk-roots track, that puts a spring in your step from the word go. Serving as the lead single and title track from his debut album, set to release on June 20th, this song captures the essence of pursuing one’s passions with unwavering determination. Waking up at the crack of dawn, overworked and underpaid is the perfect kickstarter lyric for the track’s ethos.

“Chasing Dreams” is driven by energetic country influences, featuring lively instrumentation and evocative slide guitar work that mirror the excitement and resolve of forging one’s path. Etienne’s heartfelt lyrics, penned during early morning commutes, remind listeners of the fleeting nature of time and the importance of following one’s true passions.

It captures that annoyance of the grind, the frustration with a life that’s fleeting and work that seems to be meaningless. Etienne’s sincere delivery and the song’s uplifting message create a compelling anthem for anyone striving to turn their dreams into reality.

But it doesn’t once opt for pity, choosing instead to rouse and stir the fire within you and hustle your way through to a better tomorrow.

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