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Frank Joshua – Talk of Things

Ever the innovator, Frank Joshua doesn’t waste time in taking the notch one step further on “Talk of Things”. From the opening piece alone on “Five Minutes”, the eclectic experimentation that this electronic experimental pop artist brings to life is as eclectic as it is ecstatic. It’s effortlessly cool, so lackadaisical while also being somehow lively and energising.

“Talk of Things” by Frank Joshua is the latest release from the up-and-coming multi-dimensional artist who has been making waves in the indie music scene with his unique blend of folk, indie rock, and dream pop. The album features a collection of new tracks, as well as some of the best remixes from his debut album “Sense Life.”

The album continues with the upbeat and catchy “Rain,” a remix of a fan-favorite from his first album, and sets the tone for the rest of the album with its upbeat and uplifting energy. Even from a vocal perspective, you never feel for a moment that there’s a consistency that’s for a moment detracting or stale. Continuously and refreshingly, you’re left impressed and intrigued by the innovation that Frank brings to life.

One of the standout tracks on the album is “What Price a Smile,” a dreamy and atmospheric piece that Frank Joshua has concocted to completely immerse the listener within a cascading and enveloping electronic waterfall that’s as constant as it is soothing.

Frank is a multi-talented artist, he’s a songwriter, producer and performer. His music is a reflection of his life and experiences, and he’s not afraid to explore different styles and sounds. He’s a master of his craft and a true artist, always pushing the boundaries of what’s possible with his own sonic talents as much as he is curious to experiment with the possibilities that he as at his disposal. On “Talk of Things”, he’s perhaps at his boldest, discovering and innovating at a scale further than he’s ever been able to bring to life.

A truly magnetic and bewitching piece that any indie fan will relish.

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