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Gary Dranow – Something About You

“Something About You” is a song about falling in love and the feeling of being truly understood and accepted by someone. The guitar riffs are catchy and the drums are dynamic, creating a perfect backdrop for Gary’s powerful vocals. With lyrics that are both sincerely heartfelt and relatable, the tune becomes one that listeners across creeds and backgrounds can connect with on a personal level. The song is a tribute to his wife and the journey of their romance, from the moment they met to the present day. It’s a song that captures the essence of true love and the magic that happens when two people connect.

A classic rock song with a passion that comes straight from the heart, “Something About You” is what music is fundamentally meant to do. It conveys a feeling, and a feeling that’s personal. But that deeply personable moment isn’t something that’s unique to Gary Dranow, it’s a universal emotion, the kind of relatable or at least desirable encounter and feeling that you aspire to have.

Everyone yearns to find that special someone and there are few songs that capture that purity as well as Gary Dranow evokes here.

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