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Gideon Foster – Prophecy

Get ready to rock and roll with Gideon Foster’s debut album “Prophecy”, a powerful and emotive journey that feels like you’re delving into a life well lived and ready to be regaled. While it took him a little longer than most to start writing songs, this album has been 53 years in the making, it’s clear that the ideas for these tracks and their emotional core has always been there. Inspired by personal change and the unpredictable events of life, “Prophecy” is a powerful collection of tracks that are both nostalgic and fresh.

But that’s not all – Foster has also written a short story book called “Walking with Mae,” which delves into the backstories behind each song on the album. It feels autobiographical in more ways than most, with stories, songs, and arrangements all caught up in this storied collection. Slow moving tunes like “Six Feet Under” are the kind of aching and pained emotional ballads that live long with you. Others like “Cross The Stream” offer a much more easy-going approach while the darkness of a song like “Hedonism” can cut you like a knife.

The music itself is a fusion of power pop and classic rock, with a sound that is definitively old-school yet brimming with new energy and purpose. “Prophecy” is a testament to the enduring power of rock and roll, and a reminder that no matter how much time has passed, the spirit of rock will always live on in those willing to take it on their backs. Get ready to be transported by the soaring guitar riffs, the pounding drumbeats, and Foster’s soulful vocals as he takes you on a journey through his life and the lessons he’s learned along the way.

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