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Glenn Valles (Songwriter) – Looking Up To Heaven

“Looking Up To Heaven” by Glenn Valles is a touching and emotional tribute to the memory of his late mother, Clothilda. The song is a heartfelt reflection of the impact she had on his life and the love he still carries for her. It’s a tender ballad with a beautiful piano melody that creates a sense of longing and hope, while Glenn’s vocals deliver a sense of vulnerability and raw emotion. It’s a deeply personal song that invites the listener to connect with the artist on an emotional level and share in his grief. The song is a testament to the power of music as a tool for healing and a reminder of the enduring bonds of love between family members.

The country song from Valles was also the winner of the country category in the UK Songwriting Contest for 2022. There’s something so piercing about the track, a poignant and powerful emotional core that’s bound to touch anyone who’s dealing with loss of any form.

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