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Goodie Bag – angels

‘angels’ feels as heavenly, as otherworldly, and as larger than life as its name reflects. Goodie Bag’s opulent, cinematic, and downright magnificent electronic pop tune is baked in an oven of over the top luscious synths that simply exude grandiosity and every second. The Nashville electronic pop outfit has been carefully curating and reworking their sound over the past year. On ‘angels’, they’ve nailed an aesthetic and power that’s surely something special. The entire production aesthetic is minimal without a doubt, relying almost entirely on just synths without a hint of a noticeable beat or drum to give it an additional layer. But in its ever so short runtime, you’re wholly gripped, entirely captivated, and quite literally obsessively fixated with where it’s going.

When it ends in what can only be described as a sudden interjection, there’s a certain disappointment you’re left with that can’t be denied. But, the replay button exists for a reason.

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