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Grace & Moji – Tipping Point

Grace & Moji’s have been one of the most refreshing new acts I’ve had the pleasure to discover in 2023. The wonderfully harmonious husband-wife duo are a masterful indie pop duo, combining elements of traditional folk with contemporary production styles to create consistently ethereal and elevating tracks.

On “Tipping Point”, the duo deliver an atmospheric and emotionally charged acoustic indie folk-pop song that delves deep into the delicate moment when a relationship stands on the precipice of falling apart but clings to the hope of reconciliation. That moment as she says “It’s strangely palpable” before the crescendo hits is one of those powerful moments on a song that makes it stand out as something special.

The track features gentle acoustic guitar picking in the verses, with the duo taking turns sharing their narrative before harmonising on that chorus to convey a message of resilience, unity, and determination to hold on.

“Tipping Point” captures the vulnerability and strength that can coexist in a relationship, delivered with such raw sincerity and aching evocativeness that has you warped in their performance.

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