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HANKY DARKO – pettyca$h

I have a belief, perhaps misguided though it may be, that hyper pop is bound to be the breakout genre of the next decade. There’s something so authentic about its creation and its expression, that heavily processed vocal and pounding arrangement seem to be abrasive when paired together but somehow I find it incredibly appealing and so youthful. HANKY DARKO’s latest “pettyca$h” feels like its hit the nail on its head for the space and carved a zone for his own at the same time. A strange confluence of punk, pop, electronic, and rap all at once, it’s got all the elements needed to really bring out that angst and raw emotional core that defines the real expression.

It’s ridiculously infectious, wearing that pop-punk influence on its sleeve with pride but delivering it through an expression that’s markedly different and more exciting. Raw and viscerally expressed but pounding and loud, it’s got all the bells and whistles and its just cathartic as hell by its close.

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