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Harry Kappen – The Freedom Inside

“The Freedom Inside” by Harry Kappen is an uplifting and inspirational song that encourages listeners to look inward and embrace the power of personal growth and self-discovery. With a catchy melody and a message of positivity, the song reminds us that true change starts from within. Kappen’s vocals soar over a vibrant and lively instrumentation, making for a feel-good anthem that is sure to leave listeners feeling inspired and motivated to pursue their own personal freedom.

Kappen’s vocal performance feels innately rousing. It’s not too over the top or resembling something like a battle cry. It thrives in its sincerity, with Kappen simply encouraging us as a citizenry to stop focusing on the overwhelming amount of negativity that seems to come at us in endless droves. Rather than complain, nag, or find the worst that exists out there, look inward and seek to fix and repair what isn’t broken. It’s inspiring and redeeming in more ways than is immediately obvious.

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