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Hessian Renegade – Live, Laugh, Lager

Written and produced as a sort of love letter to the nights that live long in reality but short in memory, Hessian Renegade’s ‘Live, Laugh, Lager’ is a frenetic and ecstatic piece of electronic hip-hop music that’s one hell of a soundtrack for a rave. Basking in a strange but endearing confluence of humour and ferocity, this raucous anthem is bound to leave you either entirely exhausted or wholly energised. It’s about letting go of the bad while taking in and recalling the good. Loaded with quick fire and aggressive flows with ferocious delivery, ‘LLL’, brings that era of the 90s energy with some absolutely haywire electronic beats.

The crossover sound that Hessian Renegade bring to the table is absolutely mesmerizing and frantic, it’s a sensational ride that doesn’t spare a moment for you to relax or unwind. It’s all about going absolutely mayhem in the madness.

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