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Himmat Singh – Drip Drip

Himmat Singh’s latest track, “Drip Drip,” is a vibrant homage to California beaches and the carefree romance of summertime. This Punjabi pop song seamlessly blends Latin pop influences, particularly evident in its captivating guitar melodies, creating a unique and refreshing sound. Singh masterfully intertwines elements of soul, R&B, and more, delivering a track that exudes a breezy, flirtatious vibe perfect for warm, sunny days.

“Drip Drip” stands out not only for its genre-blending appeal but also for Singh’s distinct multicultural spin on pop music, making him a formidable presence in the music scene. With its infectious rhythm and summery essence, “Drip Drip” is poised to become a staple on playlists, celebrating the joyous spirit of love and the allure of California’s sun-soaked coastlines.

It’s flavourful, fun, and fresh.

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