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Hounds Haul – Silver Shoal | Jubiliance

With a roaring synth intro that hits the ceiling before it has time to get off the floar, Hounds Haul bring Silver Shoal to life in majestic scale. The song, which was birthed from the band’s disappointment to not being able to play crowds, showcases the same defiantly loud and stadium rock energy that a set finisher would have. It’s jubilant, epic, and anthemic to a tee. Combining pulsing electronic melodies with infectiously intricate rock licks alongside a growingly addictive anthemic vocal performance, its the definition of grandiose.

To those who enjoy rock music for scale, for the absolute lengths it can reach in captivating your every sense, Silver Shoal hits that feeling with such brilliant precision. It is truly epic, a seismic piece of alt rock that brings synths to life with scale and majesty.

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