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Jaime Travezán – Straight People Can Be Cured

Jaime Travezán’s ‘Straight People Can Be Cured’ is a danceable and cheeky track that brings a freshness and spark to rave music that has you going haywire from the opening beats. With a hallowing and ominous background chant, there’s something so entrancing and hypnotic about the fury of the track.

The song’s theme is inspired by the artist’s experience of being told that homosexuality can be cured, and the lyrics convey a sense of playful revenge to that wholly ridiculous notion. The track is an eclectic blend of pulsating EDM drives alongside lounge and house influences, crafting a sound that is both energising and captivating. With production that is top-notch, alongside crisp beats, infectiously catchy synths, and seamless transitions between sections, it hits you like a fire truck.

This is a song to hit repeat on at any rave party again and again.

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