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Jess Irvine – Electricity

“Electricity” sees the angelic voice of pop-folk songstress Jess Irvine in luscious display. The track is a freeing and soothing folk piece that somehow just relaxes all that’s tense and anxious across your body. As she sings “Is this what it means to be free, I feel the electricity charging through my bones and igniting my soul” you find that same inner spark just flooding through you, an indescribable flame that just seems to ease what’s tense and tough and instead leaves you feeling elastic and free all at once.

“Electricity” is a smooth and soothing piece from a talent who’s melodic sensibility is more pronounced than it is strict. It feels innately warm, like it’s reaching out to you and empathising with your own struggles and tribulations. When it’s done, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of liberation or release.

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