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Jochen Arbeit and Sonja Kosche – Das Bett

Das Bett is an experimental journey through noise. Each track stands long in length, a tour de force of avant garde sonic interpolations through strings, tines, membranes, metal plates and human bodies that were attached to varying degrees on a steel bed. It feels innately haunting, a visceral and raw sound that comes to life like a horror movie soundtrack almost. There’s a darkness to this record, a real and raging energy that brings you to such unnerving anticipation and solidly succumbing to the environment being brought to life around you sonically.

Tracks like “Dreaming” are a real expression of a sound engineers delight, just showcasing the possibilities and capabilities one can do when piecing together a composition of any kind. There’s such a pointed drive to the entire record that’s brought to life through these immersive arrangements that leaves you both bewildered and transfixed all at once.

Das Bett thrives on tension more than anything else, using it as a fixation and rope to lure you in and keep you engrossed in the spaces it seeks to bring to life with sonic explorations hitherto undefined and unimagined.

There’s a whole world that this newly defined outfit is bringing to life that isn’t just musical in nature, but sonic more so. This isn’t an album for an average listener, it’s an art piece that to me also necessitates some kind of visual consumption on its side. I can imagine entire depictions of darkness and elements being brought to the forefront as you experience this as a soundtrack hidden behind it all.

A true tour de force of sonic imagination that’s bound to have you engrossed if you have an appreciation of the outlandish and imaginative.

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