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Joe Traxler ft Lukas Oscar – Braindead

For anyone caught in the capitalist loop of perennial productivity being the only metric that measures our value and life, ‘Braindead’ deconstructs comically and darkly the entire conception. The edgy and groovy piece of indie pop from the Austrian based duo of  Joe Traxler and Lukas Oscar is as stylish as it is relevant. Using a slick mix of traditional instruments with modern production styles, ‘Braindead’ becomes a tune that’s loaded with swagger that’s distinctively its own. You start to question the mundanity of it all, the real rationale behind why we emphasize so much stupid obsession on what we actually do as ‘productive’ or not.

Sumptuously swagger loaded and stylish to a fault, there’s a suaveness that this duo brings that’s bound to carve out a fan in you. The forthcoming debut LP ‘Lifelines’ simply can’t come soon enough. They’ve found a fan in me for sure.

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