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Kingdom All Stars – Home

“Home,” the latest single by Kingdom All Stars, is a heartfelt ode to the bittersweet emotions of leaving the familiar comforts of home and stepping into the unknown. The group poignantly captures those eternal feelings of nostalgia and the uncomfortable realization of change, resonating with anyone who has grappled with the anxiety of embarking on a new journey.

Recorded with meticulous attention to detail, “Home” opens with gentle acoustic strumming, setting the tune immediately in this contemplative tone. The lyrics, penned by band member Jazmine Bogie, vividly depict cherished memories of Vermont’s natural beauty and familial warmth.

Bogie’s vocal performance is such a highlight, perfectly complementing the mood and soothing nostalgic feeling that the band attempts to convey. Within that blend of acoustic richness and subtle electronic elements emerges a soundscape that’s modern yet firmly grounded in its indie folk roots.

It’s a touching and earnest piece that’s essential and emotive.

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