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Leslie Bowe – Something Right

A true Americana record in every sense of the genre, Leslie Bowe’s ‘Something Right’ is a collection of five endearing and emotive pieces of acoustic driven pop rock imbued with just the right amount of soul. His comeback project, Something Right takes you down the life cycle of a love found and lost. Bowe’s gritty yet melodic vocal performance steers the entire record alongside the mellow and melodic instrumentation. It’s right from the heart of Nashville, completely and wholly bringing to life that same energy and style.

On ‘A Little Kindness’, Bowe eases you into the record with a sleek and supple piece of soft rock that’s the very definition of what an easy listen would constitute. Driven by an acoustic backing but incorporating a smooth soulful solo amidst it all, it’s the perfect opener to the roots energy he’s trying to exude. Bowe recorded this EP organically with no click, Piano, B3, Acoustic upright bass driven- in the style of Amos Lee/Norah Jones/Jason Isbell.

It’s through this stripped back and raw style that Something Right finds its style and feel. There’s a verve to the record, a simplicity yet an emotional resonance that’s echoed even stronger due to the record’s decision to be a bit more minimal. All you really need is a heartfelt voice and a guitar to drive feeling, and Something Right does so in droves.

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