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Leti – Orpheus

Leti’s “Orpheus” takes inspiration from Greek mythology, weaving a captivating sonic tapestry that combines ethereal vocals, soulful electric piano, dreamy synths, and atmospheric guitars. Drawing influence from artists like James Blake, Sigur Ros, Björk, as well as elements of soul and jazz, Leti creates a mesmerising and unique sound that transports listeners to another realm.

The track’s title, “Orpheus,” is a nod to the mythical musician who ventured into the underworld to rescue his beloved Eurydice, with the condition that he must not look back until they reached the surface. This mythological narrative serves as a metaphorical backdrop for Leti’s message in “Orpheus” – a reminder to trust the process and refrain from dwelling on the past.

Leti’s spacious vocals effortlessly glide over the enchanting instrumentation, evoking a sense of vulnerability and introspection. A mellifluous combination of soulful electric piano, dreamy synths, and atmospheric guitars creates a lush and immersive sonic landscape that enhances the song’s ethereal and dreamy atmosphere.

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