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Michelle Limanjae – hey dear, heidi | Coping

For someone’s very first single to sound so polished, pointed, and poignant, there’s a level of god given talent you must somehow possess. Michelle Limanjae’s debut is a sparkling success, a luscious indie rock tune that has bits of pop punk sprinkled in for good measure. Her vocal delivery is deft, a soft and subtle caress over a more angst driven instrumental backing. That contrast serves to create the strangely reassuring and panicked energy all that more appealing. ‘hey dear, heidi’ is all about separation, but also an assurance that the constant anxiety and worrying over it isn’t the best way to deal with that emotion.

Composed and penned during lockdown, songs about separation never felt more timely or sincere. “The main theme is taken from my situation in which I’m living far away from my family and won’t be able to meet each other for a while due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

I’ve loved every moment of this track, it’s the perfect indie rock anthem and that little jolt of punk energy just gives it such a deft touch of angst to have you wholeheartedly fall in love.

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