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Midsolis – Changes | Reinventing Rap Rock

MidSolis’ latest piece of rap rock is unlike anything you’d have heard before. It’s loaded with a host of sounds that jangle all over the place, a truly experimental and eclectic synthetisation of ideas. Within its three minute runtime, it contains multiple song structures and performances that could easily be fleshed out as full pieces themselves. But MidSolis revels in this madness, a journey that is filled with twists and turns that constantly seems to take u-turns, off roads, and bumps, but somehow lands in one safe piece.

The song’s about rejection, or rather how MidSolis decided to flip the script on how he dealt with it.Insted of walking away from rejection with resentment or scorn, he decided to mock and joke about it. Because, at the end of the day, self-deprecation and having a laugh goes a much further way. Filled with ideas about lust and not so subtle brags on his own skill and work, it is a fairly standard rap song in one sense. But it’s in the myriad of weird structures and twists that the song hosts that MidSolis finds a niche. A wacky and experimental piece of hip-hop that will leave you either confused or astounded.

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